Join us!
Interested in joining the lab? We are always on the lookout for
passionate and creative people to join us. See below for open positions.
Postdocs: We are currently hiring postdocs in the areas of cell type evolution, early animal evo-devo, and the evolution of animal nervous systems. Interested candidates should send an email introducing themselves along with their CV and recent papers to Jacob Musser.
Graduate students: We accept graduate students enrolled in Yale’s BBS PhD program. If you are interested in rotating in our lab, please email Jacob Musser with your CV and a description of your research interests.
If you are not yet enrolled, please apply to the Combined Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) at Yale. We accept students through the MCGD (primary), INP, and CBB tracks.
Postgraduate students: No positions currently available.
Undergraduates: We host undergraduate researchers during the summer and academic year. Reach out to Jacob Musser via email for current availability.
High school students: No positions currently available.
Contact Information
Jacob M. Musser, PhD
Assistant Professor in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Dept. of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Yale University
Yale Science Building
Room 221