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Our Research

Evolution of animal cell types

Cell types are the building blocks of multicellular life. Yet how do new cell types evolve and diversify their functions, and how do cell types assemble to form different tissues? Our group works to uncover the ancient history of animal cells by surveying cell types and tissue organization across the tree of life using single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics of whole organisms. We also develop computational tools to link cells across species, reconstruct their evolutionary diversification, and discover novel functional machinery. 


Profiling cellular diversity in sponges informs animal cell type and nervous system evolution. Musser et al. (2021)


Molecular profiling of sponge deflation reveals an ancient relaxant-inflammatory response. Ruperti et al. (2024) 

Spongilla lacustris cell types from whole-body single-cell RNA sequencing
Rendered 3D electron microscopy volume of Sponge digestive chamber with crawling neuroid cell (blue), expressing presynaptic genes, in contact with digestive cells (gray) expressing postsynaptic genes
Origin of the nervous system

Our central nervous system contains an estimated 86 million neurons, which are essential for coordinating our body’s functions. Yet the first multicellular animals existed without a nervous system, only later evolving a radial nerve net and then finally a centralized nervous system. Our lab pieces together the history of this transition, investigating synaptic machinery in nerveless sponges with functional proteomics, and the organization of nerve nets in sea anemones using 4D imaging. Our goal is to understand how multicellular animals solved the ability to coordinate cellular behaviors without a nervous system, and how these systems were upgraded to produce the first complex animal behaviors and cognition. 


The origin and evolution of cell types. Arendt et al. (2016)


Mapping single-cell atlases throughout Metazoa unravels cell type evolution. Tarashansky et al. (2021)

Evo-devo of sponges, cnidarians, and ctenophores

Our most distant relatives are also our most distinct. Unlike traditional animal models, they have relatively few cell types and build transparent bodies to inhabit the ocean depths. These unique features make them ideal for investigating the rules of animal organization. From molecules to tissues and animal behavior, our group investigates the organizational principles of an entire animal, and how this organization arose at the beginning of animal life. 


Evolution of neuronal types and families. Arendt et al. (2019)


Profiling cellular diversity in sponges informs animal cell type and nervous system evolution. Musser et al. (2021)

fluorescent cell stains
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